Saving & Protection Plans
In our quest to provide our families and loved ones the best we can during our lives, we often neglect to plan for what might happen to them if the unforeseen occurs. The last thing you want is to leave your family in difficult financial circumstances in the case of your death or serious injury. Our life insurance and protection plans ensure that your loved ones will be protected even if the unthinkable takes place.

Eight Pay Savings Plan
You may have some imperative plans for nearest goals of your loved ones or for yourself. It makes perfect sense to prepare well in advance with saving plan combined with Life Insurance cover. Eight Pay Savings Plan allows you to make regular payments into your life insurance plan for eight years and enjoy the savings and protection benefit of the plan for the longer term.
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Eight Pay Savings Plan Brochure (English/Urdu)
Jubilee Medipal

Secure Life Plan
Your family is important to you; they are your joy, your pride and your world. This unconditional connection and bond of loved ones gives meaning to your life and you strive to give them the best in life. Securing their future means you have to be there for them at the best and worst of times, through thick and thin and through sickness and health. To protect them you require an investment and protection package that is specially designed to help you plan wisely for a financially secure and comfortable tomorrow.
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Secure Life Plan Brochure (English/Urdu)
Jubilee MediPal brochureCancer Cover Supplementary Brochure (English/Urdu)

Secure Joint Life Plan
Jubilee Life’s Secure Joint Life Plan gives you and your family total financial security and peace of mind while providing life insurance coverage to two lives simultaneously. It provides you a solution that would allow you to financially manage situations which may go beyond control in case of either of the life assured’s untimely death. This plan is both an investment and insurance plan, ideal for husband and wife who want to get insured together or for business partners who require joint protection.