Investor’s FAQs
What is Jubilee Life’s Insurers Financial Strength (IFS) rating?
Jubilee Life has been assigned Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) rating of “AA++” (Double A Plus Plus IFS) with ‘Stable’ outlook by JCR-VIS Credit Rating Co. Ltd.
Does Jubilee Life offer a direct purchase program?
No. However, Jubilee Life stocks may be purchased from just about any stock brokerage firm or online stock brokerage services.
What is Jubilee Life Insurance’s code of conduct?
To view the Jubilee Insurance code of conduct Click here.
Does Jubilee Life pay a cash dividend?
Yes, Jubilee Life paid an aggregate cash dividend of Rs. 13 Per share (130%) for the year 2023, comprising of Interim Cash Dividend @ Rs. 3.00 per share (30%) and Final Cash Dividend @ Rs. 10 per share (100%).
What stock exchanges does Jubilee Life stock trade on?
What is the par value of Jubilee Life share?
Par value of Jubilee Life’s share is Rs 10.
How many Jubilee Life shares are there currently?
Total number of issued shares of Jubilee Life is 100,353,310
Who are the largest shareholders of Jubilee Life?
Currently, the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development and its Nominee Directors holding 58,079,987 shares.
What is the EPS, P/E ratio and Breakup value of Jubilee Life?
Financial Ratios
YEAR: 2023
EPS: Rs.22.98
P/E Ratio: 6
Breakup Value per share: Rs.152.99
What is Jubilee Life’s market capitalization?
To view Jubilee Life’s market capitalization Click here.
How can I get the current Jubilee Life’s stock price?
To view Jubilee Life’s stock prices Click here.
Whom should I contact regarding my stock certificate(s)?
CDC Share Registrar Services Limited
CDC House, 99-B, Block B, SMCHS
Main Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi-74400
Phone: (021) 111-111-500
Fax: (92-21) 34326031
When was the last annual general meeting of shareholders?
The last annual general meeting of the shareholders was held on 25th April 2024.
Is Jubilee Life registered under Insurance Association of Pakistan?
Yes. Jubilee Life is registered under the Insurance Association of Pakistan (IAP).
What is the registration number of Jubilee Life?
The Registration number of Jubilee Life is : CUIN # 0035121
What is the National Tax Number of Jubilee Life?
The National Tax Number of Jubilee Life is : 0660564-8
What is the address of Jubilee Life’s registered office?
26-D, 3rd. Floor, Kashmir Plaza,
Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad.
Tel: (0092) (051)2206930-6
Fax: (0092) (051)2825372
Email Address:
What is the address of Jubilee Life’s Head Office?
74/1-A, Lalazar, M. T. Khan Road, Karachi-74000
Tel : (0092)(021)35205094 (0092)(021)32120201
Fax : (0092)(021)35610959
Email Address:
Who are the Auditors of Jubilee Life?
Jubilee Life’s Auditors: KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co. Chartered Accountants
Which are the associated companies of Jubilee Life?
To view the list of Jubilee Life’s associated companies Click here.
What is the Shareholding Pattern of Jubilee Life?
To view the Shareholding Pattern of Jubilee Life Click here.
What are the financial highlights of Jubilee Life for previous Six years?
To view the Financial highlights of Jubilee Life for previous Six years Click here.
What is the Free Float of Shares of Jubilee Life?
To view the Free Float of Shares of Jubilee Life Click here
How can I find Jubilee Life’s current Compliance Certificate?
To view Jubilee Life’s Compliance certificate Click here.
Who will be handling investor grievances at Jubilee Life?
Contact details of designated persons for handling grievances of Investors
Sr. No | ||
1. | Name of the Incharge of Grievance Function: | Mr. Najam Ul Hassan Janjua – Company Secretary. |
2 | Postal Address: | Head Office: 74/1-A, Lalazar, M.T. Khan Road, Karachi-74000, Pakistan. |
3 | Landline Number (Dedicated for Investors’ Grievances): | +92 (21) 111-111-554 (Call Center) +92 (21) 38134018 Timings: Monday to Friday 9:00 to 17:30 |
4 | Email Address (Dedicated for Investors’ Grievances): | 1. |
5 | Fax Number: | +92 (21) 35644312 |
6 | Cell Number (Dedicated for Investors’ Grievances): | +92 (300) 2946416 Timings: Monday to Friday 9:00 to 17:30 |
To download Investor Complaint Form from SECP Website Click here.
List of Shareholders who have not provided copy of their valid CNIC to the Company
To view the list of Shareholders who have not provided copy of their valid CNIC to the Company Click here
List of Unclaimed Dividend and shares Pursuant to section 244 of The Companies Act, 2017
To view the List of Unclaimed Dividend and shares Pursuant to section 244 of The Companies Act, 2017 Click here