Manage Your Policy
If you want to manage your policy according to your changing needs, you can simply do it the way you want.
Get Duplicate Policy Documents
If you have lost your original policy documents, you can apply for duplicate Policy Documents by submitting:
- Affidavit & Declaration for Issuance of Duplicate Policy Documents on Rs.20/50 bond paper
- Indemnity Bond For Issuance of Duplicate Policy Documents on Rs.100 bond paper along with processing fee and stamp duty charges as applicable.
It is advisable to contact your Service Person (of your respective branch) or our customer services team for detailed requirements .The required documents must be properly completed and sent to:
Customer Experience Department- Head Office
Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited,
74/1-A, Lalazar, M.T. Khan Road,
Karachi – 74000, Pakistan,
Telephone: (021 ) 35205095
Fax: 021-35610959
Update Your Policy Details
At any point during the term of your policy, you can change any of your personal or policy related details:
Your personal details
- Endorsement Request Form (ERF) or your Letter requesting for change (Write the Name in English as you would like it to be spelt, provided the spelling does not differ from the manner it has been spelt in your educational & official documents.)
- Attested Copy of Computerized National Identity Card / NADRA’s Registration Certificate (Children below 18).
To change names please complete, sign and submit the following:
- Endorsement Request Form (ERF) or your Letter requesting for change.
- Attested Copy of Computerized National Identity Card / NADRA’s Registration Certificate (Children below 18) incorporating changed name.
- Affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs50/= denomination, duly attested by Notary Public or a First Class Magistrate, affirming that the change in name was made in compliance with all requirements of law.
- Cutting of newspaper Ad announcing your name change .
Date of Birth
You must at the earliest update your policy record with correction or changes in your date of birth, date of birth of any person insured under any benefit of the policy, date of birth of a beneficiary and date of birth of guardian (appointed if beneficiary is less than 18 years). Change or correction in date of birth of a life assured may require re-evaluation of risk and recalculation of premium.
To change or rectify date of birth please complete and submit the following:
- Endorsement Request Form (ERF) or your Letter requesting for change.
- Attested Copy of Board of Secondary School Certificate (Matriculation Certificate).
- Attested Copy of Computerized National Identity Card / NADRA’s Registration Certificate (Children less than 18).
Computerized National Identity Card Number (CNIC)
You must at the earliest update your policy record with correction or changes in your Computerized National Identity Card Number, the Computerized National Identity Card Number of any person insured under any benefit of the policy, the Computerized National Identity Card Number of a beneficiary, the Computerized National Identity Card Number of guardian (appointed if beneficiary is less than 18 years).
To update Computerized National Identity Card Number please submit:
- An attested copy of the CNIC
Contact Details
You must at the earliest update your policy record with correction or changes in your Correspondence Address, Email address, Telephone / Mobile phone numbers or any other contact reference.
To change or rectify your contact details please complete and submit the following:
- Endorsement Request Form (ERF) or your Letter requesting for change.
- Kindly ensure that all documents and forms are signed by you as per signature affixed by you on your Policy’s original Proposal Form.
- Kindly get attested copies of documents (where required) by a Gazetted Government Official or a senior officer of our Company (Assistant Branch Manager or above). Original copies of documents may be called for inspection.
- The Original documents & forms (hard copy) properly completed, signed and witnessed must be sent to:
Customer Experience Department- Head Office
Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited,
74/1-A, Lalazar, M.T. Khan Road,
Karachi – 74000, Pakistan,
Telephone: (021 ) 35205095
Fax: 021-35610959
Email: - Upon receipt of properly completed documents the changes / corrections would be incorporated in your Policy Record and acknowledged vide Courier either through Endorsement to Standard Policy Conditions or through letter as the case may be
At every Policy Anniversary (the yearly dates following the commencement date of the policy) you can make changes (alterations) in benefits of your Policy such as:
- Attachment / detachment of a Supplementary Benefit (Rider)
- Enhancement / decrease in the Sum Assured and / or Rider values
- Increase / decrease in the Premium amount
- Change in the Premium Payment Mode (Payment Frequency) (Annual, Semi-annual, Quarterly, Monthly)
- Change from Non-indexed values to Indexed values or vice-versa (Partial Indexation is also an option)
Step 1:
It is advisable to consult your Service Person (mentioned at the right bottom corner of the Renewal Letter) for assistance while requesting for alterations in Benefits & Values of the Policy.
Following documents are required to be completed and submitted. Please ensure that all documents and forms are signed by you as per signature affixed by you on your Policy’s original Proposal Form:
- Endorsement Request Form (ERF)
- Declaration of Health and Occupation (DHO) Form
- Revised Endorsement Illustration
- Original Policy Documents
Changes can only be incorporated if the Policy is in-force with all premiums paid and are subject to re-underwriting (re-evaluation) of the risk by Jubilee Life Insurance. Medical tests & Reports may be called to assess and re-evaluate the altered risk. Reinstatement Form (RF) needs to be completed and submitted if the Policy stands lapsed for more than a year.
Step 2:
The Original documents & forms (hardcopy) properly completed, signed and witnessed along with the Premium Cheque must be sent to:
Customer Experience Department- Head Office
Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited,
74/1-A, Lalazar, M.T. Khan Road,
Karachi – 74000, Pakistan,
Telephone: (021 ) 35205095
Fax: 021-35610959
Step 3:
Once all due requirements are completed to the satisfaction of the Company, the Company considers your request for endorsement and if approved, policy benefits & values are changed and an Endorsement to Standard Policy Conditions is issued, which is sent to you at your mailing address through Courier / Registered Mail.
Step 4:
Renewal Acknowledgement Letter, Final Receipt and Policy’s Unit Report (for Unit-Linked policies only) would be sent to you through courier a week later
If you wish to change the person appointed / nominated by you as beneficiary / guardian under the Policy then please complete & submit the following:
- Endorsement for Change in Nomination (ECN) Form
- Endorsement Request Form (ERF) or your Letter requesting for change in beneficiary / guardian.
- Attested Copy of Computerized National Identity Card / NADRA’s Registration Certificate (Children below 18) of the person nominated.
(If the person nominated is a minor (below 18 years), a guardian (above 18 years) too must be appointed).
For complete understanding of the regulations that govern Beneficiary Nomination & Guardianship designation in life insurance policies, kindly refer to Part X (Sections 71, 72 & 73) of the Insurance Ordinance (XXXIX) 2000.
- Kindly ensure that all documents and forms are signed by you as per signature affixed by you on your Policy’s original Proposal Form.
- Kindly get attested copies of documents (where required) by a Gazetted Government Official or a senior officer of our Company (Assistant Branch Manager or above). Original copies of documents may be called for inspection.
- The Original documents & forms (hard copy) properly completed, signed and witnessed must be sent to:
Customer Experience Department- Head Office
Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited,
74/1-A, Lalazar, M.T. Khan Road,
Karachi – 74000, Pakistan,
Telephone: (021 ) 35205095
Fax: 021-35610959
Email: - Upon receipt of properly completed documents the changes in nomination requested by you would be incorporated in your Policy Record and acknowledged vide letter sent to you through courier.
You may assign / transfer your Policy in favor of another person or an organization to secure the repayment of a loan (by pledging the Policy’s Sum Assured) or as collateral (by pledging the Policy’s Cash Value) or for any purpose that you may consider necessary.
To Assign / Transfer the Policy you need to complete and submit the following:
- Original Policy Documents (Please always keep your Policy documents very securely)
- Endorsement for Assignment (EAF) Form
- Attested Copy of Computerized National Identity Card of both the Assignor (you) and the Assignee (person to whom Policy is being transferred).
- If the Assignee is an Organization / Corporate entity kindly also provide an attested copy of the agreement on which the Assignment is based.
Once a Policy is assigned your rights (to the extent of the terms of assignment agreed) as policy-owner and that of your Beneficiary / Guardian under the Policy stand revoked till such time as the Policy is Re-assigned back to you.
For complete understanding of the regulations that govern Assignments or Transfer of Policies in life insurance, kindly refer to Part X (Sections 71, 72 & 73) of the Insurance Ordinance (XXXIX) 2000.
- Kindly ensure that all documents and forms are signed by you as per signature affixed by you on your Policy’s original Proposal Form. Furthermore the Assignee’s signature must match the signature affixed by such person on Computerized National Identity Card.
- Kindly get attested copies of documents (where required) by a Gazetted Government Official or a senior officer of our Company (Assistant Branch Manager or above). Original copies of documents may be called for inspection.
- The Original documents & forms (hard copy) properly completed, signed and witnessed must be sent to:
Customer Experience Department- Head Office
Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited,
74/1-A, Lalazar, M.T. Khan Road,
Karachi – 74000, Pakistan,
Telephone: (021 ) 35205095
Fax: 021-35610959
Email: - Upon receipt of proper documents the Assignment / Transfer affected by you would be endorsed in your Policy Record and acknowledged vide letter sent to you through courier.
Reinstate Your Policy
Reinstatement means the reinforcement of all benefits and values of a Policy which lapsed due to non-payment of renewal premium or which was in-force under the Non-Forfeiture or Paid Up Provision of the Standard Policy Conditions of the Policy.
A 30 (Thirty) Days grace period is provided for premium payments, i.e. if you pay your premium within 30 days after the date the premium falls due, your Policy would be renewed without additional requirements or charges .However should you pay your premium after the 30 Days grace period, then, please follow instructions below to revive your lapsed policy:
Step 1:
Fill up the policy Reinstatement Form & Declaration of Health and Occupation (DHO). If the premium is paid 90 days after the due date in addition to Declaration of Health and Occupation (DHO), the current applicable Reinstatement Fee would also be charged / deducted.
Step 2:
You will need to provide complete details along with related documents.
Step 3:
The form needs to be duly signed by the life insured and the policy holder, if the policy holder is different from the life insured.
Step 4:
The Original DHO form (hard copy) properly completed, signed and witnessed along with the Premium Cheque (with or without late fees as applicable) must be sent to:
Customer Experience Department – Head Office
Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited,
74/1-A, Lalazar, M.T. Khan Road,
Karachi – 74000, Pakistan,
Telephone: (021 ) 35205095
Fax: 021-35610959
Step 5:
Your health & occupation meeting underwriting criteria, the Policy would be renewed and about a week later the Renewal Acknowledgement Letter, Final Receipt and Policy’s Unit Report (for Unit-Linked policies only) would be sent to you through courier
- Kindly ensure that the DHO form is signed by you as per signature affixed by you on your Policy’s original Proposal Form.
- Kindly note that we can only renew Policies where not more than 3 years annualized premiums are due. If more than one year’s annualized premium is due then kindly complete and submit a Reinstatement Form (RF) (besides DHO and Reinstatement Fee).
- Your interests are best served if you pay your Policy’s renewal premium by the Due Date.
Surrender Your Policy
After the completion of two policy years (given that two years’ complete premiums have been paid), you may surrender your policy. In case of surrender, Surrender Value (Cash Value available in the Unit Account of the policy) will be payable after deduction of surrender charges (if any). However, surrender in early policy years may result in lower cash values.
If you decide to surrender your policy due to any circumstances, here’s what you need to do.
Step 1:
Complete and submit the following documents
- Request for Surrender Form – duly completed and signed by Policy Owner
- Bank Account Number with Bank Name & Branch of Policy Owner (duly verified by the concerned bank)
- Attested copy of CNIC
- Zakat Exemption Declaration Form
- Original Policy Documents
NOTE: In case of loss of original policy documents, please provide Indemnity Bond for loss of policy documents.
Step 2:
Submit the completed form to your respective branch.
Step 3:
Upon completion of all due requirements to the satisfaction of the Company, surrender request is processed and Surrender Value Cheque is sent to your respective branch from where you may collect the same.