How can I assign or transfer policies?
You may assign / transfer your Policy in favor of another person or an organization to secure the repayment of a loan (by pledging the Policy’s Sum Assured) or as collateral (by pledging the Policy’s Cash Value) or for any purpose that you may consider necessary.
To Assign / Transfer the Policy you need to complete and submit the following:
- Original Policy Documents (Please always keep your Policy documents very securely)
- Original Policy Documents (Please always keep your Policy documents very securely)
- Endorsement for Assignment (EAF) Form
- Endorsement Request Form (ERF) or your Letter requesting for Assignment / Transfer of the Policy.
- Attested Copy of Computerized National Identity Card of both the Assignor (you) and the Assignee (person to whom Policy is being transferred).
- If the Assignee is an Organization / Corporate entity kindly also provide an attested copy of the agreement on which the Assignment is based.
Once a Policy is assigned your rights (to the extent of the terms of assignment agreed) as policy-owner and that of your Beneficiary / Guardian under the Policy stand revoked till such time as the Policy is Re-assigned back to you.
For complete understanding of the regulations that govern Assignments or Transfer of Policies in life insurance, kindly refer to Part X (Sections 71, 72 & 73) of the Insurance Ordinance (XXXIX) 2000.
- Kindly ensure that all documents and forms are signed by you as per signature affixed by you on your Policy’s original Proposal Form. Furthermore the Assignee’s signature must match the signature affixed by such person on Computerized National Identity Card.
- Kindly get attested copies of documents (where required) by a Gazetted Government Official or a senior officer of our Company (Assistant Branch Manager or above). Original copies of documents may be called for inspection.
- The Original documents & forms (hard copy) properly completed, signed and witnessed must be sent to:Customer Experience Department- Head Office
Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited,
74/1-A, Lalazar, M.T. Khan Road,
Karachi – 74000, Pakistan,
Telephone: (021 ) 35205095
Fax: 021-35610959
Email: - Upon receipt of proper documents the Assignment / Transfer affected by you would be endorsed in your Policy Record and acknowledged vide letter sent to you through courier.